Release notes

Latest release is 0.5.1

  • 0.5.1: configurable partitions
  • 0.5.0: embedded Cassandra, Akka 2.4.0, ddata clustering
  • 0.4.0: Initial release

Download from Bintray

tar xvf rnkr-app_2.11-0.5.1-package.tar.gz

Or manually download and unpack


Default installation comes with embedded Cassandra, so you get persistence out of the box. Embedded Cassandra is not recommended in production. Set up a separate Cassandra cluster and change the partitions setting to connect to the external cluster. See example below.


  • Java 8 JRE or JDK

Run the server

cd rnkr-app-0.5.1

Use the REST API

The service listens on by default. See settings below. HTTP auth user and password are required.

curl -uuser:pass -XPUT "http://localhost:8080/v0/default/test" -d"score=101&entrant=Nico"
  "score": 101,
  "timestamp": 1443315052812000000,
  "entrant": "Nico",
  "rank": 1

curl -uuser:pass -XPUT "http://localhost:8080/v0/default/test" -d"score=100&entrant=Itadinanta"
  "score": 100,
  "timestamp": 1443315493293000000,
  "entrant": "Itadinanta",
  "rank": 0

curl -uuser:pass -XPUT "http://localhost:8080/v0/default/test" -d"score=110&entrant=Nico"
  "score": 101,
  "timestamp": 1443315052812000000,
  "entrant": "Nico",
  "rank": 1

curl -uuser:pass -GET "http://localhost:8080/v0/default/test/page"
  "score": 100,
  "timestamp": 1443315493293000000,
  "entrant": "Itadinanta",
  "rank": 0
}, {
  "score": 101,
  "timestamp": 1443315052812000000,
  "entrant": "Nico",
  "rank": 1


A number of options is available. To get started, you could edit conf/application.conf and copy/paste to experiment with the following options. Service needs restarting if the settings change.

net.itadinanta.rnkr {
	listen {
		host = ""
		port = 8080
	cassandra {
		embedded = true
		config = "conf/cassandra.yaml"
	partitions {
		"default" {
			persistence {
				// type = "blackhole"
				type = "cassandra"
			cassandra {
				hosts = [ "" ]
				port = 9042
				keyspace = "rnkr"
			auth {
				"user": "pass"

akka {
	cluster {
		seed-nodes = [